
A Welcome from Our Founder

To the Courageous Entrepreneur, Insightful Physician and Keen Investor, Tomorrow starts today. 

Relicus Medical is a Dream, a Vision, that manifests on a daily basis. It comes to light because of itself, because of my ongoing efforts and that of my team, and also…because it is time. Since the 1990s, the medical systems of Anti-Aging and Wellness Medicine began to develop, driven by both intrepid physicians and eager patients, who all believed there was something more to solving medical issues and optimizing health. I personally witnessed this and was part of the change, being involved, trained and educated in this evolution since 1991. Today, it has exploded into a massive wellspring of options, answers, and results, creating a massive market and permanent industry. Like an active swarm of molecules, the pieces excitedly move, but without a full realized form. And now, it is time to bring to the industry a cohesive system capable of further optimizing it.

I see this complex and intricate industry coming together, congealing and collaborating, into a massive synergistic engine for health, wellness, entrepreneurship, and investment. As a physician, I have always served my patients. Now it is time to serve the Industry and provide practical solutions for those Entrepreneurs and Investors who find this type of medicine exciting and helpful.

Relicus Medical is one option. We can provide a physician or entrepreneur operating in this industry a helpful partner, a lucrative exit, and both. There are limited answers and options for this currently. Relicus solves this problem. Relicus is a company that will provide the needed options and create a mecca to truly serve. 

I want to personally welcome you to explore this option, reach out to me directly, and begin the process of collaboration towards your future. 

Remember… Tomorrow starts today.

To Your Future (Relicus),

Dr John A Robinson